Sunday, January 31, 2016

Use computer without Mouse

What is the alternative to the computer mouse without a mouse, use the keyboard 100%

Mouse computer input device is very important. We work with the mouse in a variety of documents such as text or objects easily cut-copy-paste, drugs, left, right, up, down, etc. can work. The mouse is lost for any reason, if you work with computers, many stopped. In the absence of mouse stops working to stay silent no longer needed. What is the Board itself without the software you choose to make use of your mouse. The question many people and could be - how to right-click with your mouse, left click, double click, etc. drug will work? The answer to all these questions below to learn just to enjoy trouble, it will take. However, I do not talk funny boosted started.
keyboard to control the mouse

To do?

1. Press the Shift key 5 times in a row last. (Or in the case of Windows 7, click the Start and then Control Panel and click on batame. The Ease of Access', then click on the 'Ease of Access Center'. Click the Turn on Mouse keys. You can notice the image below. )

 II. Setting the option to click on Mouse Tab Use Mouse key to click on the Apply. Notice the image below.

(Or in the case of Windows 7 Use mouse keys When NUM lock is option to On. See image below.)

No batama what works?
Notice once before starting the image below.

4 and 6, respectively keys act as left and right keys.
2 and 8, respectively, up key (on) and down (below) as well as work.
What konakuni 1,3,7 and 9 of the work along the dividing line.
'/' (Slash) key Left,
'-' (Minus) key and Right
 '*' (Asterisk) key Middle mouse (middle button) serves as a batana.
5. What is the mouse left (Left) acts as batana.

Double-click the
5. Double-click a row or double-click on the '+' (plus) by clicking on the icon is double-clicked.
Select and drug
0 (zero), who are used to select and dragim. Suppose you select any text from top to bottom, then hold down the 0 key 2 will be selected going down.
